Wednesday, 17 October 2018

My holiday writing

Image result for smallfoot
My school holiday.
For my school Holidays I went up North to Kerikeri because my grandparents own a farm so I went there for my whole holidays.

For the first week I went to Jump. The Jump I went to had those bubble things you could climb in and bump other people it was good fun.

For the second week off the holidays I went to go see the movie Smallfoot in my opinion it wasn't my favorite movie but it still was really good and funny - as i said in my opinion.
My favorite bit of the holidays was when I went to go see Smallfoot.


  1. Hi Andre! Its Frankie here, I really like your post on your school holidays . It reminded me of my school holidays and how I visited a farm, Should I go see Bigfoot in the theatres?


    1. Yes I definitely would recommend watching bigfoot in the theatres. How did your farm visit go? What is your favourite farm animal? Thanks for commenting on my blog.

  2. Thanks for replying, I will defiantly go see small foot (sorry for saying Bigfoot!) soon. My farm visit went good! And my favourite farm animal is a pig or goat, but I love all animals so so much, whats your favourite farm animal?


    1. Thanks for replying, My favorite farm animal would have to be a cow or pig. But all farm animals are cool. What is your favorite thing to do on a farm?


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